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[Review] "Digestive health: Let us live healthy as it is the ultimate wealth on earth"

Date: 21st July 

Topic: Digestive health: Let us live healthy as it is the ultimate wealth on earth

Speaker: Joseph Emerson Raja

Review Writer : Tahir Taqdees (GIC Talk Volunteer)


Health is our greatest wealth. Dr. Joseph explained us about how to improve our health and live healthy on this earth. He told us food digestion is important because our food and drink must be changed into smaller molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. Good digestion depends on selection of food and good habits of eating.

He told us the five golden rules to enhance our digestion:

1. What to eat: The food we eat should contain all the 6 tastes: Sweet, Sour, Astringent, Pungent (Spicy), Salt and Bitter.

2. When to eat: Only when you feel hungry and stop when you are full.

3. How to eat: Chew the food as much as you can with your lips closed before swallowing it

4. When to drink: Don’t drink excess fluids with meal. Don’t drink 30 min before and after having meal.

5. How to drink: Drink/Swallow water along with saliva
It is all about what, when and how to eat so that the food is digested properly that enables our body cells grows healthy. 

According to the World Health Organization 70% of people in the world fall under sub healthy conditions, 10% are healthy and 20% are sick. Sub healthy conditions is a new killer. The 6 signs of sub healthy condition are indigestion, sleeplessness, sadness, fearfulness, stressful and constant tiredness.

There is no greater wealth than our own health and the health of society. If we lose our health, there is virtually nothing we wouldn’t do to retrieve it. So be proactive and invest in your health and wellbeing now. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.