Gwangju International Center


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[Review] Secrets of Adolescence Girls

Secrets of Adolescence Girls




Speaker: Noelle Easterday

Reviewer: Chanmi Moon 

Proofreader: Ivan

Date: July 12th, 2014



After Sewol ferry tragedy, the dreadful accident, occurred and took over hundreds of young students’ lives, all Koreans seem to pay more attention to students in the middle of their adolescence and try to address difficulties they are facing. Today’s speaker, Noelle Easterday, talks about some secrets of adolescent girls that are based on her research that she did on high school girls. She shares some secrets these high school girls shared to her by showing some beautifully decorated postcards from students that have their secrets on. It is so surprising that most of the adolescent girls’ secrets were driven from their schools and studying. The fact that the students are keeping their discontent brought from studying as secrets that they never dare to tell anyone makes people think more about the cruel situation students are facing. Today’s speaker hopes to see many adults in Korea paying more attention to students’ emotional health not only on which university they enter. Furthermore, the speaker wishes adolescent students, living in Korea, to open up their mind, start speaking out and asking for help on their secrets. Today’s talk is very enlightening, and it tells many things about the brutal situation adolescent students are going through.


