GIC Events
[Review] Fighting Poverty in the 21st Century
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- 2014-06-05
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May 31: Fighting Poverty in the 21st Century
Speaker: Billie Pritchett
Reviewer: Boyoung Moon
Proofreader: Jeremiah Azurin
Date: May 31, 2014
Calvin Coolidge once said, "Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshiped." Even though people know what this sentence means, most of them are just looking for being wealthy, which makes for a materialistic society. Our speaker, Billie Pritchett was at the GIC to talk about bringing awareness to problems in poverty in the twenty-first century. Moreover, he lectured about poverty not only in Korea but in the United States as well. Even though the topic might be difficult to understasnd, Billie uses visible tools for his audience for it to be easily understood. Questions from the audience are always welcome so it would make for a better GIC talk if the audience listening to different answers of the questions and then forming their own questions.
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