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[Review] The Successes and Failures of the Obama Administration

The Successes and Failures of the Obama Administration


Speaker: Doug Stuber (USA)

Reviewer: Sewoon Baek

Proofreader: Richard Taylor

Date: May 10, 2014


President Barack Obama was elected the first African-American president in the USA, which is  respectable by itself, but we should  see what Obama has done in a more critical view. Our speaker, Doug Stuber gave us a chance to look at the hidden sides of the Obama adminsitration. Actually, the talk included only two successes and twenty-four failures. One of the failures in particular mentioned was Obama Care. It is easier said than done when no one has to worry about health care regardless of class. Although its aims were great,  the way of it was implemented  put  pressure of the middle class who couldn’t afford to pay for the health insurance costs. As the speaker claimed, it would have been better if Obama had tried to reduce costs of health care by pressuring health care professionals for hospital cooperation. We know that leading a country as its president is a challenging duty because the position has to consider the whole thing. They can succeed or they can fail, but it was for the people who live in their country. They are just trying to run their country perfectly. We need to take a critical look on what they are doing to see justice, but we should never forget why they try to make new policy.


