Gwangju International Center


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[Review] Edward Hopper. City life, Isolation and Unfinished Narratives

Edward Hopper. City life, Isolation and Unfinished Narratives


Speaker: Leroy Kucia (USA)

Reveiwer: Boyoung Moon

Proofreader: Marga Crain

Date: April 19, 2014 


Today's talk is entitled "Edward Hopper. City life, Isolation and Unfinished Narratives" by Leroy Kucia held in the large multipurpose room on the first floor. Today's talk was a good chance to have a look at paintings by Edward Hopper. Edward Hopper used realism which stressed visual accuracy in the 19th century. The speaker informed us of Edward Hoppers biographical information. He also talked about historical events surrounding Edwards Hoppers life in the United States and how it effected his style of painting such as the American Civil War, the growth of capitalism, and the Great Depression. After this he talked about how American and European realism styles differ. American realism dealt isolation and disenchantment of the the everyday person in the city. It hauntingly mirrors the modern sense of isolation. It resonates in todays culture in Shirley's Vision of Reality and continues to inspire others. In the Q&A session the audience had many questions so we ran out of time. In short, it was fabulous time to let people know cogently who Edward Hopper was and what he wants us to feel from his artist works.


