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[Review] Insects and Spiders. Small Beauties We Usually Ignore

Insects and Spiders. Small Beauties We Usually Ignore


Speaker: Andreas Kim (Germany)

Reviewer: Chanmi Moon

Proofreader: Audrey Dubin

Date: April 12, 2014


Insects and Spiders… generally people first feel disgusted or scared when they think of these words. Not knowing the reason why, some people tend to be uncomfortable looking at insects and sometimes even kill them cruelly. Today’s speaker, Andreas Kim, suggests to us to pay attention to these small creatures that people usually avoid and ignore. The speaker starts his talk showing us a picture of grass. At a first glance, it looks like just grass, but when we carefully look at the picture, we find grasshoppers, locusts, and many other unknown small insects. While showing this picture, the speaker tells us how we have been ignoring these small creatures which have their own beauty. The speaker shows his own pictures of various insects, especially spiders, and introduces their own hidden beauties to the audiences. Throughout his entire speech, the speaker gives us a clear message that we should stop looking down on insects just because they are tiny and look weird, but should rather start to respect them as the same living creatures as human beings. 


