Gwangju International Center


고객의 만족을 위해 도전을 멈추지 않는 Gwangju International Center입니다.

Community Events

[Community Class] September Schedule

[Community Class] 

To promote cultural exchanges for both Koreans and expats within the Gwangju Community, the GIC provides our space for talented volunteers in the various area. Feel free to join our open community classes. For more information, please contact the class organizer directly.  


[Tuesday Night Yoga] Starts from September 5th.  

 Gwangju Yoga with Emily 

▶ Tuesday evenings 7~8 @ GIC Hall, 1F at Gwangju International Center

- This is a weekly class appropriate for all levels. Beginners and advanced practitioners alike are encouraged to join. 

- Please arrive with time to get settled.

- How: Please bring your own mat (they are quite cheap from Daiso or other dollar stores).

- Donation of 5,000-10,000 won encouraged.

※ About the instructor: Emily completed her yoga teacher training at Black Mountain Yoga in Black Mountain North Carolina. Her training is based in hatha yoga and yoga therapy.  


[GIC Zumba with Thando] Class restarts from August 31st!

 GIC Zumba With Thando 

▶ Thursday evenings 7~8 @ GIC Hall, 1F at Gwangju International Center

- Zumba is BACK at the GIC!

- It is a fun filled cardio class fit all levels, no experience needed.

- Come get the body back for Summer and have fun while you are at it. Mid week fitness party.

- Dress: comfortably and be ready to sweat. Also bring along water and a towl

- Donation is encoraged.

 Thando Mlambo is a lover the movement and fitness and a certified Zumba instructor. Message me if you any questions. 


[Gwangju Art Class] There will be no class in September

 Gwangju Art Class

▶  Saturdays 12:30~15:00 @ Room3, 2F at Gwangju International Center

- Welcome art lovers and sketch enthusiasts, from Gwangju and surrounding areas.

- We are here to revive the art community in Gwangju and bring artists closer together through weekly drawing classes. 

- The classes are for anyone interested in developing their artistic skill, any age or level. Each class focuses on various exercises and art principles. We work with still life and nude model life drawing