Gwangju International Center


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Community Board

EPICS FORUM 2014 Presentation Competition


The 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee (GUOC 2015) and the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) jointly host EPICS forums annually from 2013 to 2015. This was to promote the values of the UNOSDP and the four concepts of EPIC (Eco, Peace, IT and Culture) outlined and pursued by the GUOC 2015. Based on different themes for every forum, speakers are invited to share their insights.


EPICS FORUM 2014, is to be held on 27 August, 2014 under the theme ‘Sport Meets Art & Culture. Renowned experts locally and internationally in each professional field will be invited to share their visions and dreams with youth mentees from around the world.


The EPICS FORUM 2014 Presentation Competition will be hosted for international university students to showcase their unique perspectives and ideas through face-to-face presentation to distinguished guests and youths worldwide during the EPICS FORUM 2014. We hereby ask for active participation from any eligible applicants, as follows.


1.     The Overview of the PT Competition

    Competition Title : EPICS FORUM 2014 Presentation Competition

    Eligible Contestees

- Continuing or stop-out undergraduates (postgraduates) in Korea or abroad

    Submission Period : Mon. 19 May ~ Fri. 25 July, 2014

    Theme : Sport Meets Art & Culture

    Presenting language : English


- United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace

- 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee

    Organizer: 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee


2. Application

    Required Documents

- Application Form

- Presentation file (in PowerPoint format)

- Video recording of presentation (presentation duration: 5-7 minutes)

- Your photo to show a banner of the EPICS FORUM 2014 (free style)

* Your photo will be used as the contents of the EPICS FORUM 2014.

    Required Format

- PPT or PPTX file (PowerPoint)

* Prezi or MAC-Keynote Presentation is not available

- Video recording of presentation : universal video player (i.e. avi, wma, mov, mp4, etc.)

- In case your presentation file (PowerPoint) includes various video and audio files,

please submit those files as well.

    Participation Eligibility

- Continuing or stop-out undergraduates (postgraduates) in Korea or abroad

- One team with 3~5 persons

- Only one entry per team (Multiple entries per team are not allowed.)



3. How to Participate

    The PT file must be submitted by email

(as an attachment via

Applications submitted e-mail, by the deadline (Sun. 25 May, 2014) are only acceptable.

E-mail confirmation will be sent to participants upon receipt of their entry.



4. Evaluation and Award Procedure


- 1st Evaluation : By the judging board composed of experts

- 2nd Evaluation (Final Round) : Voting by invited speakers and audiences at the EPICS FORUM 2014

    Evaluation Criteria

- Contents: Creativity and interest level of presentation/connection with

theme/completion degree of PowerPoint file, etc.

- Presentation Skill : Time management skill(presentation duration: 5-7 minutes)/

presentation attitude/communication with audience, etc.

    Announcement of the 1st Evaluation Results : Fri. 1 August, 2014/ 'EPICS FORUM Website (' & '2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Website


    Award Details

- The five award-winning teams are able to take the privilege of on-stage presentation during EPICS FORUM 2014, invitation to the EPICS FORUM 2014,

UNOSDP-GUOC Award Certificate, and prize money.



Awards and Prizes

1st Prize

1 Team

UNOSDP-GUOC Award Certificate and

a prize of 3 million Korean won

2nd Prize

2 Teams

UNOSDP-GUOC Award Certificate and

a prize of 2 million Korean won for each team

3rd Prize

2 Teams

UNOSDP-GUOC Award Certificate and

a prize of 1 million Korean won for each team



Taxes and Dues in responsible for winners


5. Notice

    Airfare sponsorship by UNOSDP will be granted to up to 6 applicants from 2-3 overseas teams to fly to participate in the final round.

    The submitted entries will not be returned.

    All rights, including copyright and ownership reserved for the winning entries, shall be assigned to the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee. The winning entries shall be used for the official purposes of the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee.

    Plagiarized PT or PT that have already been awarded in other contests are also excluded from the evaluation process. In the case that a winning entry is found to be plagiarized, the reward will be reclaimed and title taken away from the artwork.

    Any and all disputes over the copyright of all submitted artworks must be handled by participants.

    No winning entries shall be selected in the case that all entries fail to meet the criteria of the contest.

    Prize winners must submit the required documents to receive the award certificate and prize money (a copy of a government issued ID card, a copy of bankbook and a proof of enrollment issued by colleges, universities or graduate schools)

    The documents submitted will not be returned.


6. Contact

    Person in charge of the EPICS FORUM 2014 at the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee


    TEL: +82-62-382-2083, +82-62-616-3533