Gwangju International Center


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18th Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival (11/20-11/24)
18th Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival
Period: Nov. 20 (Wed) - Nov 24 (Sun), Five days
Venue: G-Cinema,  6th Floor of Gwangju Visual Content Center near Dong district office (광주영상복합문화관 6층 G시네마)
Slogan: Shhh?
Screen: Opening with <Sanda> and 32 more films
Organizer: Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival
Sponsor: May 18 Memorial Foundation, Beautiful Store
Partner: Gwangju Community Media Center, Korean Federation for Environment Movement, Gwangju
Inquiries: Organizing Committee of Gwangju Human Rights Film (062) 529-7576
1. Introduction of the 18th Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival
Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival has been a leading film festival introducing human rights films over the last 18 years.  It has accepted support from private and civil organizations, but none from profit driven companies.
This year, by taking a moment to think about the violations of human rights happening all over the world, we would like to share and consider the reality of human rights.
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers."
At the 18th Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival, we would like to emphasize, once again, that the freedom of opinion and expression is a fundamental right.
Each year, we strive to continue to reflect the repression and resistance of human history at Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival. We hope this becomes a communication channel to share relevant human rights issues from both inside and outside of Korea.
*Movies marked in yellow are with English subtitles.
11/20 (Wednesday)
13:00 Kumgai, a Village 촌,금가이 (97 min, Korean Subtitles)
15:00 Lost Our Generation 청춘유예  (86 min, English Subtitles)
18:00 Opening Ceremony
19:00 Sanda (Live) 산다 (93 min, English Subtitles) *GV
11/21 (Thursday)
13:00 Short Film Section: Stray Thoughts on Human Rights 1 (80min, 4 films)
          - Extinction of Time 시간의 소멸  (English Subtitles)
          - Memory of April 9th 기억-과거, 오늘에게 묻다 (in Korean)
          - Like a Rolling Wheel 리어카, 도둑 (in Korean)
          - One Meal 한 끼의 식사 (in Korean)
15:00 Counterattack 가난뱅이의 역습 (100’)
17:00 Honam Human Rights Unrhymed Verse 1
          - Dreaming Camera 꿈꾸는 카메라 
          - Over the Hill 그녀들의 OVER THE HILL 파티
          - I am a Skate 나는 홍어다 
          - Water Strider 소금쟁이
19:00 My No-Mercy Home 잔인한 나의, 홈 (77 min, English Subtitles) *GV
11/22 (Friday)
13:00 Finder 파인더  (45 min) ** BF(Barrier Free Version for hearing and vision impaired)
         Living Alone 혼자 살아가기 (49 min, Korean subtitles)
15:00 His Mind 군대에 가고 싶지 않은 마음 (85 min)
17:00 The School of Jesus 주님의 학교 (84 min, English subtitles)
19:00 The Empire of Shame 탐욕의 제국 (110 min, Korean subtitles) *GV
11/23 (Saturday)
11:00 Sanda (Live) 산다 (93 min, English Subtitles)
13:00 Kicked Out of the Village of Nuclear Disaster - Refugee Futabamachi's story
         원전마을을 쫒겨나서 - 피난민 후타바마치의 기록(原発の町を追われて - 避難民双葉町の記録) (60 min, Korean Subtitles) *GV
15:00 Cruel Inheritance – Heredity잔인한 내림 - 遺傳 (94 min, Korean Subtitles) 
11/24 (Sunday)
11:00 The World We See Through Animated Films
          - Panorama 파노라마 (English subtitles)
          - Grandfather 할아버지 (English subtitles)
          - It's Okay to Be Alone 혼자여도 괜찮아 (English subtitles)
          - Home, Sweet Home 홈 스윗 홈 (in Korean)
          - Blind Date 맞선 (English subtitles)
          - A Thousand Lighthouses 천 개의 등대 (English Subtitles)
13:00 Short Films Section 2 (78 min)
          - Sweet Temptation 잘 먹고 잘사는 법
          - Days of A Construction Worker 32.5공수, 건설노동자의 날품
          - Flamenco Nina 플라멩코 소녀 
15:00 Honam Human Rights Unrhymed Verse 2 (50 min)
          - Master of Broom Martial Arts and His Comrades 빗자루 도사 그리고 동지들 
          - My Town 동네
18:00 Closing Ceremony
19:00 Closing film: The Island of Shadows 그림자들의 섬 (60min, in Korean) *GV
※  Movies and Schedules are subject to change.
※ GV = Guest Visit
<Movies with English Subtitiles>
Sanda(Live) 산다 – November 20, 7:00 p.m.
KT employees who endured various hardships are now spending more than four hours commuting to work. The reason is that they rejected the company's retirement proposal. The company then placed them in a long-distance branch. Workers are suffering from an unreasonable workload, and  are even bullied. This kind of expulsion has been done especially to those who support the labor movement.
However, it only causes them to be more rebellious. Their experience of resistance turns all the surveillance and interference from the company into entertainment. Now they attempt rebellion of life- not for surviving in the company but for enjoying their life. By commuting on time, rejecting forced sales competitions, traveling, and dancing.
Lost Our Generation 청춘유예 – November 20, 3:00 p.m.
In 2010, Youth Union, Korea’s first representative union of young people in their 20s and 30s is launched. With their youth suspended by the constraints of a competitive society, these young people have gathered under the name of the Youth Union, armed with their own individual qualities. Together they take a big step into a burdensome reality, embracing each other’s wounds with a positive spirit. This is the story of their small rebellion as they challenge the world!
Extinction of Time 시간의 소멸 – November 21, 13:00 p.m.
As Mount Jirisan Dam is being constructed, two villages called Yong-you-dam and U-tan-lee are submerged. The film is about things that we have already lost and things that we should not lose in the future.
My No-Mercy Home 잔인한 나의, 홈 – November 21, 7:00 p.m. 
I, the director of this movie, accidentally met a girl who said she wanted to share her story with others, at the film festival. I was quite shocked by her story. She was a victim of incestuous sexual abuse. However, her family and relatives didn't believe her story and she had to immediately run away from home. She sued her father for the sake of her sisters. Would she be OK? I'd like to introduce her unwelcomed story through the movie <My No-Mercy Home>.
The School of Jesus 주님의 학교 - November 22, 5:00 p.m.
I had a long fight with one man for 10 years beginning in 2002 as I entered university. Almighty Jesus and me. I had once tried to kick him out but eventually I had to accept him with the result of a forced graduation. This is the 10-year record of Sejong University.
A Thousand Lighthouses 천 개의 등대 - November 24, 11:00 a.m.
I wanted to tell a story about a city where everyone who lives there feels inferior in the excessively competitive social mood.
PANORAMA 파노라마 - November 24, 11:00 a.m.
At the very moment of Hyun-Suk's suicide in denial of his misery, he sees a 'panorama' of his life and returns to his life.
Grandfather 할아버지 - November 24 11:00 a.m.
An old man who is unable to do anything without his wife's help, manages his life depending on the notes and memos she left behind. One day, while putting his laundry in the closet, he discovers her memo in a cloth full of memories and it leads the grandfather to venture into the outside world.
It's Okay to Be Alone 혼자여도 괜찮아 - November 24, 11:00 a.m.
A story about being a loner in a culture where it is considered strange.
Blind Date 맞선 - November 24, 11:00 a.m.
Humans are on the edge of extinction because the men have died out. To survive, women must partake in arranged marriages with aliens.
<Map of Gwangju Visual Content Center>