Gwangju International Center


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KOTESOL Gwangju-Jeonnam June Workshop
Adriane Geronimo
Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter
Monthly Workshop

Saturday, June 13

Chonnam National University
Humanities 1 Room 103
2:00 pm
Registration and Welcome

2:30 pm

Integrating peer feedback into the EFL Writing Classroom
Mingxia Gao, Chonnam National University

3:20 pm
Snack Break

3:40 pm
Tips for Making Basic English More Informative
Yeon-seong Park, Chonnam National University

4:30 pm
Book Drawing

5:00 pm

Free for KOTESOL Members and first-time visitors
5,000 won for visitors

Integrating peer feedback into the EFL Writing Classroom

Abstract: The importance of revision is pedagogically worthwhile and universally recognized in
L1, L2 writing context. In particular, peer revision, in which students work in pairs or small
groups provide feedback on one another? writing has become a widely used teaching method
in writing instruction. However, how peer revision instruction can be integrated into composi-
tion classroom still remains a controversial problem because vague feedback and misinterpreta-
tion of writers?intention on reviewers?part have been found often, especially in an EFL writing
context. This article, reports an action research that investigated the effects of explicit instruc-
tion of peer revision on Korean EFL learners in writing classroom. Through quantitative and
qualitative analysis of data, the effects of explicit instruction were assessed in terms of (a) stu-
dents ability to critique peer writing; (b) students?writing performance; and (c) students?percep-
tion of peers. The data indicated that explicit training for peer revision had a measurable influ-
ence on students?writing and critique performance and attitudes toward peer revision and EFL
writing. Furthermore, implications on revision instruction are proposed.

Biodata: Gao Mingxia, having taught English for 10 years at a University in China, is a Ph. D
student engaging in Applied Linguistics. She is interested in training students to apply peer revi-
sion in the EFL writing classroom.

Tips for making Basic English more Informative

Abstract: I?e been teaching English-1, which is one of a six level English program. In this
course I tried to increase students?communicative competence: firstly their linguistic compe-
tence to follow grammatical rules and to expose them to Randall's ESL lab conversations. I also
made my class student-centered by using many kinds of diverse activities. Students have usually
been contented as their satisfaction was reflected on the teacher evaluation. I thought the
classes went very well, but my involvement in the winter camp for freshmen students made me
reflect on my class from a different angle ? especially in the aspect of the contents of students?
Winter camp is to teach students life skills such as money management, time manage-
ment, and communication skills. It came to my mind if I incorporate meaningful contents into
my former format of teaching, it would be more ideal.
In other words, alongside teaching functional conversational English skills, I tried to in-
clude more content knowledge that can make my students more knowledgeable. In this presen-
tation, I will share what I did new starting from this semester to make the class more informative
without losing the interest and fun of the former class.

Biodata: Yeon-seong Park earned her B. A. in English literature from Ewha Women? University,
her M.A. from Seoul National University and her Ph. D from Chonnam National University. She
finished a summer school in English literature at Cambridge University (1994) and spent a year
as a visiting scholar at the University of Hawaii (1998). She wrote Enter the Flower Field of Eng-
lish (2000), collaborated on Listening to Windows (2001), and W. H. Auden (2005), and co-
translated Eros Unmoved (2003) and Ventriloquized Voices (2006).
She has been a life-time member of KOTESOL and this spring she received a service
award from the chapter president, Adriane Moser for service of the KOTESOL Gwangju-
Jeonnam chapter (2006-08).