Gwangju International Center


고객의 만족을 위해 도전을 멈추지 않는 Gwangju International Center입니다.

Community Board

2010 Daeboreum Festival
*Daeboreum: the day of the first full moon of the year

▪ February 28 (Sunday), 10:00-20:00
▪ Gwangju Folk Museum 광주시립민속박물관
▪Traditional Games Competition, Traditional Dancing performances & Tug-of-war, etc
▪Bus No. 29, 48, 63 (Yongbong-dong Ssang-yong APT) / 64, 83 (Biennale) /
27, 51, 72, 84, 85, 95, 192 (Gwangju Culture & Art Center)
▪Free admission
▪062) 613-5338


[Part 1]
11:00~11:30 Traditional Korean music performances & Folk games
11:30~12:00 Opening performance
12:00~12:30 Dangsanje (Dangsan is a place where the guardian spirit of village is believed to stay and je means a rite)
12:30~12:40 Ddeok Mechigi (Rice Cake pounding)
12:40~13:00 Korean Folk Music including drumming, dancing and singing
*10:00~14:00 Folk game contest reception

[Part 2]
13:00~16:30 Folk game contest preliminary and the final
13:30~14:00 Singing contest (for children & international residents)
14:00~14:30 Gayageum-Byungchang (Performers sing while playing the gayageum; Korean Zither-like string instrument)
14:30~15:00 Drum dancing performance
15:00~15:30 Korean fan dance performance
15:30~16:00 New folk song performance
16:00~16:30 Catch a chicken game (primary-participating citizen)
16:30~17:30 Tug-of-war
17:30~18:00 Catch a chicken game (secondary-participating citizen)

[Part 3]
18:00~20:00 Daljib Taeugi (Villagers offer a rite to the moon, burn moon-shaped objects made with pine twigs and straw, and dance around the fire) & Ganggangsulae (Traditional Korean circle dance)