Gwangju International Center


고객의 만족을 위해 도전을 멈추지 않는 Gwangju International Center입니다.

GIC Events

GIC Project Updates on October 21st.

This is a quick report to let you know what we are up to.

Completed Projects
GIC Day was held successfully on October 9th at Kim Daejung Convention Center.  
Congratulations to our volunteers. Daniel Lister and his crew raised funds for Mike by selling beer and beverages.
Meditation Class by Jennifer Ullrich on October 16th. 15 participants joined at the class. Thanks to Jennie for offering the session.
Homestay’s orientation for Korean hosts. Special thanks to Mr. Seonheung KIM, Gwangju city’s advisor ambassador who gave a talk on attitude as world citizens on October 14th.
Current Projects
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Seidt, German Ambassador’s GIC Talk “German, Europe and Korea : What are the perspectives 20 years after reunification?” on October 23rd. New change for GIC Talk format, the Q & A session will be conducted by papers. In the past, one or two audiences asked questions only and since the change, GIC Talk expects more questions from people. J Nick Bagnall and Austin Lewis act as international consultants.
Join in the Kimchi Festival Opening ceremony and making your own Kimchi! Sign-up by Thursday, October 21st at
GIC Korean Newsletter will be published next week.
GIC recruited 30 Korean volunteers and is having workshops every Friday in October. They are going to work on library, Gwangju News, GIC Talk, Media, counseling teams until March 2011.
GIC Gwangju Tour for international students in Gwangju
On October 29th, 30th, November 5th and 6th
Gj city hall -> Design Center -> Lunch -> KimDaejung Convention Center -> GJ Biennale
Gwangju Folk Museum -> Lunch -> Yangrim-dong -> GJ Confucian school
Future Projects
On November 4th, there will be lecture on Palestine. Korean peace activist Yeongmin Ahn will give a talk on his experiences in Palestine and his recent book; It is imbued with Palestine. 7pm @ CNU Human Rights Center. Language will be in Korean.
On November 12th, GIST Culture Night will be held in GIST. Intl. Foods, performances, costume shows will be going on from 5pm to 8pm.

[이 게시물은 GIC님에 의해 2011-01-11 22:04:35 Notice에서 이동 됨]