Gwangju International Center


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Special GIC Talk, May 18 - Paul Courtright&SHIN Gyonggu


[GIC Talk, May 18]
Title: What I Saw in the Mary Democratization Movement In 1980
Speaker: Paul Courtright, Professor (University of Capetown, South Africa)

I happened to be one of the few witnesses in Gwangju in May 1980. I have lived with the feeling of guiltiness for not being able to help the people in need while they suffered extreme atrocities from the military government. I am writing a book on my experiences since that is the only way to redeem my debt to the people of Gwangju. I came to Gwangju to make my stories proper and vivid with my memories refreshed by my physical presence here. I also feel privileged to the witness of the event though I was not aware of the historical significance of the movement. 

Title: How did the May Uprising Become the Initiator of Korean Democracy? 
Speaker: SHIN Gyonggu, Director (GIC) & Professor Emeritus (Chonnam National University)

The impact of the May 18 Democratization Movement in 1980 is immeasurable to the democratization of South Korea. However, we may wonder why other movements with far much more sacrifices did not have as much influence as the May 18 Movement has. It was possible by many factors combined. Some of them are: 
● Legendary figures like YUN Sang-won (Citizen Army), AHN Byungha (Police Chief)
● Civic leaders dedicated but wise
● Morality of the citizens: No shop-lifting nor break-in into banks
● National movement and international support

The impact of the May 18 Movement was not limited in the political side. It was the beginning of the cultural revolution of the 1980s, which triggered the change of Korean culture, resulting in the K-Wave which began in the end of the 1990s.