자유 게시판
제4회 온라인 뷰티콘테스트 참가자 모집
- 작성자
- 작성일
- 2021-04-15
- 조회 수
- 2653 회
o The Organizer: Namseoul University and Global Beauty Promotion
Association, South Korea
o Schedule
Registration and Video Submission:
19 April – 9May 2021
Award: Friday, 21 May 2021
o Contest Part: Hair Design, Skin Care, Make-up, Nail Art, Scalp
Treatment, Eyelash Extension, Semi-permanent Make-up
Participant: Student, General,
International Participants
*For International Participants:
50% discount if participation in group (more than 5 items)
Registration Method: Website Sign
Up -> Submit the photo/contest video -> Payment
o Website: WNBPC (worldnbeauty.com)