Gwangju International Center


고객의 만족을 위해 도전을 멈추지 않는 Gwangju International Center입니다.


Total 51 (5/6 page)
Notices List
No. Subject Name Date Views
11October ScheduleGIC19.10.04Views 1,379
10September Schedule of GIC TalkGIC19.08.31Views 1,475
9[Closed-Gwangju Tour with Global Friends] Call for participantsGIC19.08.30Views 1,498
8✔️Notice: Summer Break✔️GIC19.07.30Views 1,566
7July ScheduleGIC19.06.29Views 1,608
6[Gwangju Tour with Global Friends] Call for participantsGIC19.06.12Views 1,485
5Call for Employment Training for International ResidentsGIC19.06.04Views 1,565
4June ScheduleGIC19.05.31Views 1,454
3Special GIC Talk, May 18 - Paul Courtright&SHIN GyongguGIC19.05.17Views 1,305
22019 May Concert [Registration closed]GIC19.05.07Views 1,070